Oregon County Commissioners Point Out Errors in Wildfire Hazard Map in Statewide Meeting

The Josephine County Commissioners hosted a meeting today in the Anne Basker Auditorium to allow county commissioners across Oregon to question representatives from the Oregon State University and Oregon Department of Forestry about the draft Wildfire Hazard Map.

There were 100 local residents in the meeting which heard comments from commissioners from half of Oregon’s 36 counties which are negatively impacted by Oregon Wildfire Hazard Map. Very impressive group of men and women serving the rural counties of Oregon.

The meeting began with a presentation which recapped the Wildfire Hazard Map creation process. In short, fire hazard is a product of burn probability and fire density. SB-762 includes four criteria for wildfire risk: weather, topography, vegetation, and climate.

It was pointed out that no questions would be accepted on insurance-related matters. Just the map.

When asked when the deadline was for county commissioners to submit comments, it was unclear how or when these questions would be answered outside this meeting. What’s clear is that the Sept. 4 meeting is to discuss irrigation rules.

Many county commissioners came prepared with questions, comments and obvious errors in the wildfire map.

The rest of this article can be read at OregonEagle.com.



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