Randy Sparacino for Jackson County Commissioner

Being Mayor of Medford is a great honor and we’ve seen significant progress on the issues facing Medford during my term. Now, with my leadership experience as a Police Chief and Mayor, I am uniquely equipped to meet the important challenges facing Jackson County—particularly public safety and homelessness. That’s why I’m committed to running for Commissioner Dave Dotterrer’s seat in 2024, and I’m grateful to have his enthusiastic endorsement to do so. I look forward to the opportunity to serve the citizens of Jackson County.“ – Randy Sparacino

Randy grew up in the Klamath Basin, where his parents ran a small boutique fly fishing resort. Even as a teen he had an insatiable work ethic — cleaning horse stalls, and working as a gas station attendant, courtesy clerk, bus boy and fly-fishing instructor. In 1989, he moved to the Rogue Valley and attended Southern Oregon State College (now Southern Oregon University). Earlier that year, Randy joined the United States Army National Guard and then the United States Army Reserve, where he served as a Section Sergeant and was honorably discharged in 1995. In the late 90’s and early 2000’s, he and his wife were partners in a coffee shop, where he received valuable insight into owning a small business, doing this while still being employed at MPD and going to Southern Oregon University.

Randy was hired by the Medford Police Department as a bike cadet in 1990 and then brought on as one of the department’s first Community Service Officers in December. In 1994, Randy was hired as a sworn police officer. He moved through the ranks as a Patrol Officer, Field Training Officer, Master Police Officer, Patrol Sergeant, Traffic Sergeant, Financial Investigation Section Sergeant, Administrative/Internal Affairs Sergeant, Administrative Lieutenant, Patrol Lieutenant, and as Deputy Chief of the Administrative and Technical Service Bureau. He was interim Chief from January-March 2016 when he was appointed as Chief of Police and retired in August 2019.

Randy is a well-rounded leader, demonstrated by holding command positions in both bureaus of the police department. He has extensive knowledge and experience regarding financial, administrative and field operations. During his tenure as the Financial Investigation Service Sergeant, Randy developed the initial policies and procedures for that unit and was instrumental in establishing the Medford Area Cyber Crimes Task Force. Additionally, he managed nearly $2 million in various grant programs. Randy also researched and implemented innovative programs and made changes that provided the department with new technologies. He was instrumental in the design and development of the new police headquarters building and served as project manager.

As Chief, Randy successfully strengthened community and police relations and refocused leadership, as well as implementing a new ethics training program in the department.  His efforts improved morale and continued MPD’s reputation as one of the leading law enforcement agencies in Oregon.

Following retirement, Randy served as the Chief Policy Advisor for the City of Medford for seven months, where he oversaw state and federal legislation impacting the municipality.

Randy Sparacino began serving as Mayor of Medford in January of 2021.

As Medford Mayor, Randy has been actively involved in furthering initiatives and projects that will make our area a better place to live, work, and play. They not only impact Medford but our entire region, from public safety and economic development to homelessness and addiction.

Safe communities are extremely important to Randy. He assembled a committee of community leaders and other residents to support a new correctional facility—focused on addressing overcrowding in the current facility and the issues that contribute to it. The goal of the committee is to improve public safety in our county. Randy worked closely with Medford City Staff and the City Council to craft a resolution to our state legislators seeking a repeal or make significant changes to measure 110. Subsequently, Randy and city leaders met with local legislators who are also seeking to improve the situation.

He has lent his leadership and support to the Medford Police Department’s and Medford Fire Department’s ten-year strategic plans that expand public safety to meet our growing community’s needs. He also supported the expansion of the livability team and changes to the city’s camping ordinance to improve livability in Medford.

Randy brought the potential move of our regional post office distribution center to the attention of our federal legislators. This move would have had an adverse impact on delivery services regionally and would have eliminated several local jobs. The U.S. Postal Service listened and has since decided to retain the local facility.

Randy is a champion for economic development. As Mayor, he created an ad hoc committee to improve and streamline the development process in Medford. By refining these processes, development costs can be reduced—contributing to making building more affordable in Medford. Additionally, he is actively working with local business leaders to recruit and retain businesses, creating and preserving jobs.

Randy holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Social Science and a Master’s Degree in Management from Southern Oregon University.

Randy has served on multiple state, regional and local boards and committees, including:

  • Oregon Association of Chiefs of Police Board of Directors – Representing District 11
  • Emergency Communication of Southern Oregon Intergovernmental Council – Past Chair and Past Vice-Chair
  • City of Central Point Budget Committee – Past Member, Chair and Past Vice-Chair
  • Rogue Community College Board of Education – Past Member and Past Vice-Chair
  • Jackson County Airport Advisory Committee – Current Member and Past Chair
  • Goodwill Board – Past Board Member

Randy and his wife Jennifer have a son, Stefano, who graduated Cum Laude from Concordia University in 2016 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Exercise Sports Science. Randy’s hobbies include fishing, camping, golfing and enjoying time with his family.

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